On November 19, the Synod meeting of the German Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ukraine was held in the premises of the Lutheran Church of St. Catherine in Kyiv.

The Synod delegates decided the following:
- To condemn the aggression of the Russian Federation and made a statement for a just peace for Ukraine;
- To condemn the actions of the previous bishop of GELCU Serhii Mashevski;
- To re-elect Pavlo Shvarts for a second 5-year term, and appoint Oleksandr Gross as the vice bishop;
- To elect the new Presidium of the Synod: Oleksandr Gross, Lydia Tselsdorf, Nina Knutas, Ihor Shemihon, Natalia Melkher (the Presidium elected Oleksandr Gross as president of the Synod);
- To elect a new Internal Audit Commission, and assign them to carry out the internal audit of the reports of 2021 and 2022;
- To adopt new Regulations on the pastor’s ministry.