“Let each man give just-as he proposes in his heart; not out of sorrow or out of necessity; for God loves a joyful giver.”
2Co 9:7

A generous Easter donation from the believers of the Silesian Church of the Evangelical-Augsburg Confession in the Czech Republic made it possible to purchase 204 certificates for the Easter holiday – for the buying of food and personal hygiene products. Many families and single people from the communities of the German Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ukraine received these certificates as an Easter gift.
Help from our brothers and sisters from the Czech Republic went to the communities of Kharkiv, Poltava, Kremenchuk, Zaporizhzhia, Shostka, Odessa, Kryvyi Rig, Zhitomir, Vinnitsa and Kyiv.

Thanks to this initiative, it was also received by the wards of the Kyiv “House of Mercy”, which constantly supports homeless people.
We kindly thank our dear brothers and sisters in Christ for their concern for us in times of trouble.
May the Lord generously bless all those who joined this good cause!

“You are enriched in everything to all liberality, which is working through us thanksgiving to God.”
2Co 9:11