On May 19, Igor Shemigon, a pastor of St. Martin Evangelical-Lutheran congregation, took part in the traditional Prayer for peace – a monthly event, held by the Community of Sant’Egidio in Co-Cathedral of St. Alexander of Roman Catholic Church in Kiev. He was invited to read a sermon on the text in the book of Acts 6:1-7, which narrates a story about calling of deacons by the Church in Jerusalem for administering social service, and fruit born by this decision. “Sacrificial ministry has special “spiritual fragrance”, which attracts outsiders”, – concluded pastor Igor.

After the prayer, participants went to the streets of Kiev to feed people in need.

Community of Sant’Egidio is a Christian organization, officially recognized by the Catholic Church as a church public lay association. Its basic areas of activity include spreading of the Gospel, helping those in need (people in poverty, homeless, elderly, immigrants, etc.), establishing dialogue between churches and religions. The organization’s motto is: “Prayer, Poor, Peace!”. The Community of Sant’Egidio has been active in Kiev for the last 30 years.